
The Plan

"Escape" is the word of the day...
What did you accomplish?
I've accomplished freedom! A new age of liberation! An ability to-
Does it amount "escape"?
Doe-...It...why, I...perhaps.
Conceivably? Interesting. Define your liberating freedom with ability...
It reaches to all corners of life! It is peace! It is-
Peace? What happened to freedom liberally able to accomplish?
Freedom brings more than liberation, it brings peace too.
Freedom from liberation brings peace?
Let me re-state...

"Escape" is the word of the week...
What have you accomplished?
I've accomplished death. A new age of suffering. An inability to-
Does it amount "escape"?
Escape from the body, the mind; the soul has been released.
Relinquishment of the soul...does it "escape"?
The soul was intertwined in the mortal world. By power of-
Intertwined? Rather, trapped you mean?
Just passing the time in a body destined to wither from birth.
The soul was relinquished before it's time due to impatience?
Let me re-state...


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