
Humpty Dumpty

Can we put each other back together again?
Oh, I forgot I was the only one broken
The call terminated, I guess I'll press resend
Is it sad that I hold a phone call as a sign of a love token?
I don't know how you do it, but to your will I bend
Over and over and Over
But then
You would think I would learn, but no words spoken
I'm usually an angry person, but for you no emotion
My knees shake, my stomach churns, my heart sinks
Ha, I still have a heart, oh to think...
How much have I put this heart through?
Tormented by love, but I thought this was different; specifically, you
I knew
That you had a different mindset than the rest
I figured it was what I needed, you passed the first test
Her or me?
The one that sets your mind free,
Or the one that is needy
You chose the latter, I really don't know why
At first, you seemed perfect in my minds eye
But love is blind, apparently
And now I realize I will never be content being me
Hyper-psycho-active, is it a word?
Maybe, but even if i screamed it you would have never heard
I stifle my arguments,
I writhe
Within no one to confide
I can't believe you do this to me
Out of your own will
But I guess that's what trust will get you.
Time to take this pill.

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